Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I M S O R R Y !!!!!

They say it takes time to get over serious relationships
But I've been waiting patiently
I'm still stuck on you
I still picture your face smiling at me
I've made a mistake
And now I've got to face the consequences of my actions
I'll never have the satisfaction

I know you know that I'm sorry
I never meant to hurt you
Is there anything that I can do?
To make it up to you
I'd do anything baby
Cause I'm sorry
I never meant to make you hurt
I don't want to say goodbye
I'm sorry .. I'm sorry ..

Every day that passes I'm missing you more and more
I still remember the first time we knoe each other..
21st february 2010..
that I was destined
To be with you
And now I've messed it up again
I pray to god above
that you will forgive me
And tell me you'll never leave me...

I believe that everything happens for a reason
Everybody makes mistakes
And everybody regrets sometimes
Don't let this ruin everything that we had
I don't want you to forget how much I love you syg
how much I miss you baby
You get me missing you baby
You mean everything to me

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

M A L A C C A part2

Kul 9.30 another mak tiri (ekyn) da kjut bangun. siot pepg bute da kjut bgn. Nway , thnks ekyn sbb kjutkan. Bgn siap2 n according to plan kitorg akan g A'FAMOSA resort ntuk bermandi mande.. Waa! Cuke3.. Semua da ready n kitorg pon bergerak ke banda melaka dule ntuk shopping souvenir jap + brunch kat ctu. Mase brunch tu sekumpulan uniselians a.k.a. sahabat kitorg gak la geng2 FSSR tp dorg g asing dtg lpak ngn kitorg jap. Iqbal n gf dye nana,lily n lalan. Dorg bru nk jln malacca today. Pas bes mkn kitorg trus grak A'famosa Resort Alor Gajah. Afiq n aku sempat agy tdo lam kete. Da sampai A'famosa resort kitorg excited gak la nk masok n maen. Ticket dye around rm45 per head if im not mistaken la. Tp termasok mkan + minum. Not bad la.

Semua game yg de kat ctu kitorg try la. At first aku n B da ditinggalkan sbb kitorg lmbat sbb mkan dule. Da la tak tawu jalan2 dlam A'famosa tu. Law kecik tmpatnyer takpe gak ne makkk aii beas. Pusing2 samapila kitorg jumpe dak2 ne kat tepi pool besa tu. So,join da club la. Naek rmai2. Wah! Kne naek tangge yg 7 tgkat tinggi nyer. Sumpah penat! Tp bile turun kat bawah best giler. Ne antare yg kitorg naek.

ne la yang first2 sakli kitorg naek beramai2.
menjerrritt tak igt dunia weyh.

ne plg heaven sampai 2 kali aku naek.
adventure hile sampai sakit la sgale otot2.

Last skali kitorg maen kat wave pool ne. Aku n b satu pelampung n kitorg pon berborak plus wat pngai giler msg2. Ade ke tetengah org ramai leyh nk wat aksi titanic n wat kecoh kat tgh2 wave pool tu? Adoiii! Mmg masok aer kitorg 2 org tyme tu. Best sgt2.. 
Mmg best sgt lah. I wish dat i can get the tyme together like dat hunn. Da la kitorg berkongsi name boyfriend. Huh! Agak terkjut gak la bile ary tny "korg ne share bf ker?" then aku tny "nape lak?" Rupenye nye bf b same name ngn EFN!! Memang name bf dye EFN gak.. Cume ejaan name depan n name bapak je laen sket .. Sebutan semuanye hampir same. Hahahaha.Lawakk / kebetulan. Da abis borak2 kitorg g toilet mndy,bersihkan segala kekotoran. Bile da wange pewot pon da lapo segale jajan yg dibawa dibwak kwa. Kepenatan melande diri ne. Abes bersiap n aku mmg pntang nmpk camera ne. huhu. Pe lagi pose..pose..pose..

abg freed , me n baby

abg freed , me n dayat

 NIKON 4ever

Masing2 muke penatt

Around kul 7 kami bergerak dr A'famosa resort n mnuju ke seremban 2 ntuk singgah makan di rumah shazzy. Family dye de wat mkan2. Mmg kebulur abes la kitorg. Byk gile kot mama dye masak sampai kne bwak bekal blk la. Kul 10.30 gerak from seremban. Balik sha alam kak ema yg drive,abg long kat sebelah dye da mmbute apatah lg kitorg yg kat blkg. mmg da semua mmbuta. Agak laju bile kak ema mengekalkan kelajuan kereta dye 140-160km/j. kul 11.30 dorg da kjut aku da sampai sha alam.


p/s : special thanx to DG 04 members who participate on our trip to malacca 27/28 march 2010!!
having sooooo much funn la weyh!!

M A L A C C A part1

Around 7.15am mak tiri kitorg (EMA SANTOS) da wake me up.. Adoii! Ngntuk bangat deyh + penat sbb demam. Bgn tdo jer trus mndy n siap2 cz dlam perancangan nk bertolak ke melaka around kul 9. So da siap lepak2 n kjut semua dak2 bgn tdo. Mmg la liat dorg nk bgn sbb mlamnye dorg men poker samapai ke pg. Magkuk ayon! Siap ajak dak vietnam 2org tu men lg. Anna yg first tyme men pon menang besar babe. Aku mmg tak layan a.k.a XRETI la nk men2 poker ne. Better tdo. Aku asenye org plg awai tdo setelah kekenyangan melanda. Back to da topic..........
Sementara mnunggu pengantin2 siap activity bese yg akan aku wat bile bgn dr tdo adalah ONLINEEEEE. G uma dorg tak sah law tak on9. Sesudah pwas on9 aku pass lappy afyq kat sha n sha lak cntinue on9. Aku lpak kat hall tgk tv. Lapo r plak bgn pepg bute ne. Tunggu punye tunggu jam da kul 9 n dorg grak bwah spt yg dijanjikan kitorg akn berkumpul kat SRI PERMATA CONDO,SECTION 9. Mmg tul2 janji melayu lah sbb yg dijanjikan kul 9 tp gerak kul 10.  Tepat kul 10 kitorg gerak dr permata.

we're ready to go!
mal tiri bebel pe tah..


trip organizer mngumpul dwet2


 Apabila pemuda pemudi yg mmbawa kereta cam beselah mereka racing ntuk ntuk mnunjukkan kehebatan kereta msg2. Lastly ade lak yg terlajak la,tertinggal la. Macam2 dorg ne. Kitorg benti breakfast kat R&R seremban. Kitorg satu kete breakfast kfc jer. Sampai melaka jer da sesat sbb ade yg tercicir. Haa! like wut i said td dorg ne ikot kepale msg2 je. Da kate pon konvoi so ikot jelaa kete yg kat dpn ne x nk wat hal sndri pdahal msg2 tak twu jln. Mmg mnyirap la ntuk tunggu dorg kn? Hrmm akhirnye semua bersatu kmbali dan selamt sampai ke tempat penginapan. Agak lame mereka berdiskusi disitu n akhirnye kitorg dpt bilik msg2. All da gurls sumbat satu bilik yg tak brp nk besa tu. Tp boleh la. Bukan nk tido sgt pon. Kate nk olidayy! soo kne korbankan sket keslesaan tu.

muke kepenatan

All da gurls in one room!
Ary photographer.

Bile da check in sume kitorg siap2 nak kwa lak melawat bandar melaka. Yahoo! Leyh jalan2. Kitorg park kete aorund area menara taming sari jer. Excited sgt nk jln kat malacca sbab da lme xmnjejakkan kaki di bumi melaka. Sumpah excited! Dgn kmajuan negeri melaka now membuatkan aku sgtlah teruja ntuk dtg ke melaka even rmai yg ckp melaka BOSAN!! tak kesa la lom g lom tawu ryte? Turun je dr kete sesi photoshoot pon bermula la. Almaklumlah semua gile camera! Dak ART & DESIGN lak.. Mane leyh lpaskan camera.


Start jalan2 around menara taming sari or the revolving tower. Pastu memanjat bukit tah ape nme dye. Lpak atas tu bukan nk tgk ape pon cam besela da kate dak2 AD mmg gile camera so bergambo jela selama 1/2 jam kat situ tp best sgt sbb semua sporting abess..

All da gurls

rangga diapit oleh jelitawan FSSR

pics yg sgt style
credit to afyq khusaini

Da pwas sesi photoshoot kat ctu kitorg gerak mahkota specialist hospital nk melawat adeq kpd zack. Adeq dye muntah non stop. Kesian tgk adeq dye. Nway adeq u cumell la zack. Huhu.
Almost 45 minit gak la kat hospital n we're heading to kampung z yg tak tawu kat mane. Lg sekali dorg ne terpisah mmg ak angen lah sgt3 sbb ikot kpale sndri pastu mnyusakan org lak tu nk call2 tny kat mne. ishk! Amat mnyakitkan aty mnunggu korg2 yg lambat! huh. Sampai jer kampung z kitorg siap2 ntuk wat barbeque. Sian pd sape yg bertungkus lumus ntuk idopkan bara api. Kitorg mmbahagokan tugas. Aku n ary sediakan air n handle bhgn dapor. Yg laen missing in action. Haha. Da siap semua kitorg mkan n berhibur lah. Mcm2 activity. Sesi jamming la. Sesi pengumpatan la. N best skali dorg men game yg if kalah kne be honest ntuk btaw ape jer yg ditanye. Asyik2 aku je yg kne sbb karan yg ngok dok sblah aku. Asal btaw jer maklumat gelak mmg aku tak dnga la. Tp dorg tak berjaye ntuk mngorek segala rahsia dr aku. haha. bagos3!!
Da setttle maen game tu kitorg pack brg2 ntuk kmbali ke hotel.

bbq tyme

kesengalan abg freed
sumpah masok air!

Satu kjadian yg tak diingini berlaku yg tak dpt diceritakan kat cni. For me its da first experience n kne handle lak tu. OMG! sumpah cuak. Nway,everything fyne n alhamdulillah selamat semuanye. At dat tyme aku kne mara with sumone sbb blk lmbat. Bukan disengajakan pon ntuk blk lmbat n tak mntak ntuk blk lmbat mcm tu pon. Bnde nk jd takleh nk elak. Walopon kne mara aku ttap suke sbb seharian ne tak dnga sware dye lame2 tp dat nyte we're on the fon. Syg.. i mish u badly.. Dapat gak lepaskan windoo yg melande. Jarak antare melaka n jb tak la jaoh sgt law diikutkan aty mmg aku nk turun jb tp disbbkan bercuti ngn kwan2 kn sooo ikutlah jela. Myb de mase nnt jb akan ku jejak jugak. Hahaha.
Kembali pade topic asal.... Kitorg blk hotel around 4.30 n tdo kul5 pg. Exhausted + takot = TIDO MAMPOS!!

Friday, March 26, 2010



lil cute cupcakes

da 4 of us

Bdae gurl





Thursday, March 25, 2010


Today have no class!! Yeayy!! Leyh rlax serelax rlax nyer kat uma N proses membesakan badan iaitu MAKAN3!!
 9.15 in da mownink iqbal da text me da bgn lom n mmg xkan sado la sbb tido lmbat last nyte.
 Sorry bal tak reply ur msg. Hee=)
Bgn tido around 10.50 trus make a mownink call. Happy bile dnga sware org tu even kjap pon. Bersemangat ntuk hari ne. After on call trus mndy. Then baru reply msg bal ckp baru pas mndy n he ask me nk itut x g sbg parade nk shoot product?? Mmg trus reply NAKKK!!!!!! laaa.. Then i ask him sape agy g? Bal ckp ngn lily.. Mmg cantek sgt la la kak lily g jgak layan kapla dok.. Around kul 1 bal da sampai dpn uma n g amek lily d kmuncak gunung everest. Trus grak sbg parade ntuk ke DOME cafe. Walaweyh! Bal nye taste tanak kalah lak. Nk shoot pasta jer tp nk ke DOME. Xkesah la aku kn semakk jer kat situ so follow jela. Sampai je sbg parade trus menuju ke destinasi. Mmg pack la sbb lunch our kowt kitorg dtg. Dapat tmpat pon kat lwa jer. Panasss!! Bal nk natural lighting ntuk shoot product. So,da ok la. Props semua pon da ckup. Tanpe buang mase laps tgk menu berjam2 kitorg just order ice lemon tea n peach tea. Ntuk makan bal order spicy chicken mushroom pasta. Boleh tahan gak sedapp tp mahal. Da la siket better g mkn kat TGi Fridays lagy pwas aty law da price cmtu. Harge mmg la best sgt. Sbb tu bal sorg je yg order. Then da abes shoot g la secret recipe 4 lily n wany having our lunch. Yehaa! Yang ne baru ok. My favourite + harge yg reasonable lg. Ikot kemampuan kami sebagai seorg student. Kat secret recipe oso kitorg order pasta. As usual la spaghetti bolognese & grilled black pepper chicken. Hrmm.. Law da name FATIN HAZWANI FAIZUL makan xpnanye nak abes. Makan slow mcm mane skalipon tetap taleh nk abes. Haizzz.. Cane? Salu de MBSA yg Abeskan tp hrmm.. Tanak diigtkan kenangan lame. STOPP!!! 
Kat secret oso bal truskan sesi photography nyer n kitorg ber2 melayan internet.. Sampai la bal da berpuas aty dgn sgale pix yg diamek barula kitorg leyh makan. Da naek sjuk makanan taw. Tp takpe ttap sedapp.. After finishing our lunch borak punye la borak sampai xsado da ptg. Bal lak sebokk nkr  g cr strawbeery n chocolate syrup 4 his photoshoot at studio esok. I suggest g jela bli kat cold storage n msg2 g cr brg2 msg n terlupe nk bli. Da sampai sha alam baru terigt n trus g tesco sha alam cr brg2. Dr bal sorg yg nk bli props dye ntuk shooting esok sampai aku n lily skali join ntuk mmbeli brg2 keperluan harian. Pas da bes bershopppinf at tesco kami pon blk laa..

membelek menu bkn men lame tp xorder pon

lily pon same belek punye belek xorder ponn..

akhirnye lily n wanie ke secret recipe ntuk mnjamu selera.
bal.. bagos2.. hope so ur pics xkne reject k?

THE END!!!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

ʞɐʍɐ ssıɯ ɐʎɐs

ʎlpɐq noʎ ssıɯ ı

¿ooʇ sƃuılǝǝɟ ɟo ɐpuıʞ sıp ǝʌɐɥ ǝɥ sǝop
sƃuılǝǝɟ ɹn loɹʇuoɔ oʇ ʎɹʇ
sƃuılǝǝɟ ƃuıʞɔnɟ sıɥʇ ǝʇɐɥ ʎllɐǝɹ ¡¡ƃɯo
¿ʍou ǝʇʎɹ ǝʌɐɥ ı ʇɐp ƃuılǝǝɟ ɟo ɐpuıʞ ʇnʍ
¿ooʇ ǝɯ ɥsıɯ ǝɥ pıp ʇnq
ɥɔnɯ oos ɯıɥ ɥsıɯ ʎllɐǝɹ ı

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


It's not about who's right or who's wrong
It's not about who's weaker or who's strong
It's not about who's innocent or who's fault
It aint really bout that kinda thing at all
It's not about who does it or done it or did it to who
Don't matter if the both of you lose
It's really not bout nothing excpet for me and you girl

It's about drama and love and 'lationships
and when the going gets tough you deal with it
and you dont ever you never walk away from it
you hold on you be strong
It's about drama and trust and making it
if your somebody messed up you dig it in
dont let nobody come between you you just stay with it
you hold on and be strong
and hold on, yes you do

It's not about the stupid things that we say
Were always saying stupid things anyway
It's not about the secrecy of the lines
Girl everybodys gots a secret to hide
It's not about who was it who was she who's creeping on who
Won't matter if the both of us lose
It's really not bout nothing, cept for me and you

Aint bout your pride
Aint bout yourself
It's bout the two of you and noone else
Aint bout the her
Aint bout the lies
Aint bout the crazy things thats running through your mind
It's bout the love thats supposed to last and never dies

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Sometimes KAWAN ne boleh didefinisikan sbg "SPECIAL" ntuk diri seseorg tu..
Kawan yg rapat ngn kite @ BFF..
Dgn kawan kawan aku njoy!
Dgn kawan kawan aku berkongsi cerite baek cerita burok o cerita gembira..
Dgn kawan2 aku gelak , gurau senda , menangis..
Sometimes KAWAN jgk boleh menjadi "RACUN" dalam persahabatan..
Dgn kawan2 jugak lah aty ne disakiti..
Lumrah dunie kata org..
Tp smp bile aty ne harus disakiti oleh kawan2 yg xpnah pham erti SAHABAT!!
Sering kali mnipu dan tak pnah mnjage aty kawan2..
Bile da rapat dgn seseorg aty ne snang dan sering ntuk disakiti..
Sakit apabile dapat tawu diri ne seumpama tmpat persinggahan..
Tak perlu diucap dgn perkataan , cukup dgn tingkah laku..
Hargailah dan sayangilah kawan kawan selagi dorg still ade..

STOP mnyakiti hati kwan2 !!


retro nyte
(shazzy , wanie , adeq , lilo , kak nad , ekyn , baby)

Ex schoolmate (sec 9,sha alam)
(awin , naseer , megat , wanie , alep , yamie , aimy , choi , ramzhan)

FSSR (unisel)

my ex housemate
(ieqa , nieza , sha , wanie , oja , ekyn , sara)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Is it im in love??

When we start knowing each other the first feelings that i had is really3 glad and great to noe u EFN..!!
Tot it was just frenship on the net but this fucking feelings bring me more close to u day by day..
We're on the net , on the fon , texting everyday!!
It makes me really high even baru kenal~~~
Feel cmfort n excited when im with u..
Everyday makes me really excited to know u..

Is it im in love or just mainan perasaan??
Does he feels da same feelings too??
Wut is love??
Does anyone noe bout true love is??
I often wonder dat if true love really exist and if so I wud be soooo lucky to be the one..

Friday, March 5, 2010


Bgn pg cam bese g taklimat intership around kul 10. Nervous lak dah dekat nk practical ne. Dah dnga segale bebelan terdetik ntuk bertanye around kawasan mne je yg student FSSR boleh g practical? And the answer is just area SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN , KUALA LUMPUR , PUTRAJAYA , and CYBERJAYA. Fuh! selamat weyh. Jgn la dapat yg jaoh2. Amin...........
Sesudah abes taklimat , kitorang gerak pak li kopitiam having our lunch there. Seperti bese aku mkan xpnahnye nk abes. Mmg salu kne bebel ngn rkan2. Tp da bese. If ade bf mmg bf lah tukang sapu or MBSA aku tp bile dah single tade sape pon nk jd MBSA or nk share my meal. Acah2 sedey la ne.. hahahahaha.. Bile pewuut msg2 dah kenyang kitorg plan nk grak sunway pyramid teman lily shopping. Temanlah sgt kn wanie kan? Alek2 dr teman2 terus join shopping skali. Ishk3!! Wanie ngn ekyn same jer. Tp da queen of shopahalic jatuh kpd NURUL ASYIKIN ABIDIN la.. sape lg? haha..

Is actually bukan nk cte bout shopping2 or other gurls thing pon ne. Just intro ntuk mnggambakan situation yg dialami. Hahahaha,
We're heading to subang suddenly adeq call btaw abah masok hospital. Sumpah terkejut n jantung aku berdegup dgn sgt3 lajunyer. Cuak babe. Dgn secare tetbe air mate yg susa nk mngalir ne pon terlepas jgak. Almaklumlah pkran aku ne mcm2 yg pk semua nye bnde burokk. Takowt sgt if anything happen to my dad. Tros grak Pantai medical cntre n xjd g pyramid. Gerak hospital just kitorg ber4. Sampai je hospital lobby nmpak abah tgh jalan2 kat area lobby. "Aik? Abah ne sakit ke x?" then g salam n ask his condition n dye boleh ckp dye tade pape. Da kne tahan dekat wad means sakit la kan..? Tula abah.. Dye tawu anak pompuan dye sorg ne agak kelam kabut + cpt panic dye akan jwab dye ok even dye xok skalipon. Abah.. Abah.. Macam2 cite la yg abah citekan kat dowg ne. Sampai ade cite yg sgt memalukan pasal diri aku sndri pon ade. Mmgla kne gelak kaw kaw la ngn dorg. My dad kinda lucky person n sgt3 byk berckp n tak reti dok diam. Sampaikan dye ngah sakit tu pon leyh berjalan2 lg. Tp kpale tgh sakit + pusing2. Hrmm... Abah.. Abah.. Sakit pon dah macam xsakit la. Ble dah tgk abah berborak with all my frens + gelak2 lg aty aku lega sgt. Dorg pon mlayan jela kerenah abah.

ALHAMDULILLAH abah selamat just doctor ckp cholestrol abah ne tinggi. Mane taknye makan xpenah nye nk berpantang just tolak kayu n batu je. Selagi boleh mkan mkanla. Hopefully abah cpt sembuh n selamat keadaan nye samppai bile2..
