Friday, July 29, 2011

Girls Day Out

Suddenly received a fon call dari my ex school mate after kitorg balik dari beli ticket bola kat stadium sha alam khamis lepas. Dye nak mintak tolong kitorg untuk photoshoot dgn majalah remaja. Mule2 tu cam blur blur je sbb yela tataw pe bnde nk wat kan. Pastu call aimi dye pon ckp jum la g karangkraf. Sbb my fren tu suro dtg karangkraf dulu. Sampai2 karangkraf.. Makk aiihhhh!!! Bestnyeeee environment keje kat cni. Cam batak2 sket kn? Lepas tu follow lah dye g studio untuk shoot product untuk keluran remaja akan datang. Dalam agak2 sejam gak kitorg tunggu pastu gerak g bgunan baru which is office nik. Lepas tu baru la kitorg diberithu yg kitorg kene ke kota damansara untuk wat photoshoot tersebut. Haaa! Photoshoot untuk ape? Mane leyh btaw.. Tp bestla dapat pengalaman baru berkerjasame with the karangkraf staff. BEST!!! 
Anyway , nik nurrul jannah.. TERIMA KASEH taw??

Sesudah settle photoshoot , kitorg gerak IKEA. Sbb semua pon xlunch lg. Nak makan meatball. Da lame mngidam. Hahaha. Bapak lame tak dtg. Last pon makan with mr ex january lepas. Giler lame kan?? hahaha.. Bile dah order tu jd macam tamak la first2 nak 10 biji pastu pk blk tanak2 nak 5 bijik je sbb dah amek cake daim. hehehee.. papepon thnx tu siti sbb treat us on dat day. Giler kenyang! hee :)


awww! cun gitu..


ermmm. dappnyeeee :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011



Seawal 730 pagi dah bgn semate mate nak g beli ticket kat stadium sha alam. Da la mlm td blk lewat lpak bukit jelutong mkn nasik lemak yg sedapp sgt tuh. Naseb boleh bgn. Sbb dah set alarm n bunyik alarm  yg sgt annoying. Ringtone mizz nina feat theo martins (remix goldfish) mmg best la kan. Terus mandi siap2 lam kul 830 tu aimi dah de dpn gate dah. We're ready to go!!

Sampai2  stadium je....... MAK AIHHH!! Bapak ramai org.. takpe2 tiicket byk lg nee.. haha.. confident jer. Beratur adela around 30 minit. sbb byk counter bukak. 

Finally...... 11 ticket dah beli!! Cant wait nk tgk bola kat stadium esokk livee weyh..... Plus xsaba nk konvoi jugakk.. Anep , alep ... u owe me blanje makan oke?? :)


Saturday, July 23, 2011

In the end

I wasn’t good enough.
As usual, I wasn’t good enough for him. I had nothing left to offer.. I don’t have a place in his life. Almost 3 onths back together after a crious relationship amost 5 years he still stands as a huge part of me. Where do I stand to him? Nowhere.
How easy it was for him to tell a new girl that he loved her.. That he cared about her so much.. Even then, even after I knew all of that, I continually kept throwing myself, my body at him.. In hopes that maybe that would bring something positive back. But it didn’t.. And he doesn’t care. He doesn’t notice the little things about me.. His thoughts aren’t filled with me like mine are with him. He doesn’t worry about how I am, he’s not concerned at all. Yet, although I knowingly understand all of that, I’m still here laying in bed, watching as the tears fall onto my lap. Here I am still wanting him back.. but he's not.....

I remember the love we shared. Now i know, it’s over… You probably hate me. Yes i’ve tried to move on while we were apart, but no i couldn’t do it. I am so in love you. You have no idea how madly & crazy in love i am with you. I just wish you could see. I’m sitting here crying like a retard, knowing you hate me. You’re my best friend, lover, & everything i ever wanted. I guess i just don’t know what happened. Maybe we moved too fast? Maybe we just aren’t meant to be? But no matter what, you are my first & only love. Syafiq ikmal razali ,  please when you read this i hope it makes you think “That girl really does love me!”. If it doesn’t then, i’m sorry. I love you so much, this is really hurts…

I hate you. To think that I actually had feelings for someone like you. You used me, and then let me go.
Then you came back to my life, and did it again. But I was stupid enough to fall for it. Why did you have to lead me on? and then out of disappear. You should man up and show your true feelings, instead of hiding behind a screen. Come to my house, show your face, and tell me what you truly feel.  Your not even man enough!!  UGHHHHHHH. I hate you. I don’t know what i did. probably nothing, you’re just a heartless moron. Thanx to you!! I just hate that I was super nice to you, when I shouldn’t have been.  
I’m an idiot, and I can’t take it back. Why did you pretend to be something your not? :( 

i’m sorry i’m not perfect enough for you. JUST BELIEVE IN KARMA!!!

p/s : Ketika seseorang meninggalkanmu, bukan perpisahan yg menyakiti, tapi kenangan bersamanya yg terus mengikuti.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Urbanscapes 2011

I've got 4 tickets to URBANSCAPES 2011!! Yeayy3.. Firstly thanx soo much to bilal sbb bg free tickets kat aku. Fuyoooo. 1 tix RM40 tu.. Thanx yaww! Seb bek la kaw keje ngn company besar LEO BURNETT unde speedzone entertainment kan? Law x mmg aku takkn dpt merase la g event2 semua ne free of charge. haha. Nway , thanx alot bilal. Btw , nak btaw kawan kaw ritu encem laa. 


For those yg tataw ape tu urbanscapes , or tak pnah dnga langsong ape tu urbanscapes g la jenguk2 link ne ! Event ne every year pon dorg buat. It just like a city's all day arts festival. Best sbb ade 3 stage n have a vintage booth n many more. The stage divide kpd 3. If im not mistaken last year n last 2 years dorg buat kat KLPAC. Tp xberkesempatan nak g. But this year alhamdulillah dapat g .

Was soo excited bile hisham or name glamour bilal call tnye "ko nak g urbanscapes x wanie?" Errrrr... Dgn jawapan yg lambat "xla kott bilal ticket mahal sgt la. RM4O law g cam xberbaloi jer. aku x g la kot" dgn sepantas kilat dye mengoffer "kalau aku bg free ticket ko nak g tak??" mmg xkan aku tolak laa... "NAKKK!!! Nak sgt3..." senyuman dah semestinye lebar sampai ke telinga kan. pastu tanye lg "brp ticket ko nk bg aku?" bilal jawab "2 jelaaa.." dgn harapan leyh dpt lebih sbnanye... "xpela bilal. xkn aku nk g 2 org je? " bilal jawab "eh eh kaw ne org da bg betis nak peha lak. haha. nnt aku tgk law ade lbh aku bg kaw ek? ko nak brp? " "yeayy3! thanx bilal.. aku nak 4 taw??" bilal mereply "nanti papehal aku call kaw blk taw? nnt aku da bg tix jgn lak kkaw xdtg!" "ye bilal. aku g. as long ade 4 ticket free.. weee~"

dgn harapan yg mnggunung nakk g tgkk my boyfie spin (berangan) ahaha...

GOLDFISH! I heart you...
encem doww kaw!

kawan2.. layan gmba jela ek? xlarat nak tulis daa. not in da mood!

 this is the main stage

Okay! Dalam sebok2 nak bersiar2 pusing satu padang astaka tu sementare tgh beratur nk beli aer ntuk membasah tekak tetbe ditegur oleh sumone yg sgt familiar. Haaa!! My schoolmate , dorm mate mase kat teknik dulu. Mmg menjerit kegembiraan la kan. Lame giler xbergossip ne. Macam2 cerita tercerita. It's Maizatul nadia which is my ex bf cousin. Dok ralik bersembang suddenly she ask me "wanie , dah daftar mngundi??" dgn senyuman "belom!". hehehehe.. =) Actually dye jadi volunteer ntuk mendaftar2 mengundi ntuk hari tu. Dah lame nk g mndftar mngundi xpegi2 tetbe terdaftar plak hari tu. So, saye dpun mndaftar laa.. Hahahaha. Xley blaa.. Dah settle isi2 borang sume kitorg continue la bergossip. Actually kitorg dtg hari tu untuk satu tujuan je. It's GOLDFISH! Mmg nak tgk sgt goldfish spin. Asek tgk lam spin master kat jerr kan? tapi tak kesampain nak stay up sampai abes event sbb msg2 dah keletihan plus andy ade hal. So, kitorg blk uma sewa baru n bergossip n pukul 2 pagi lepak hakim. 

with mye :)


Thursday, July 7, 2011


" If lu orang ade yang belom tgk ini cerita wa kasi lu orang tgk! Free of charge from the king of youtube~ "

Perghhh.. Ayat macam ape je. Puiiii lahh.. hahaha..
Tgk cerita ne in movie for the first dat tyme dekat ou with all my bff was absolutely superb!
 Balik pade tgk muvee masing2 dah cakap dialek laen dah sampai terbawak2 lepak kat Asia Cafe. 

Tapi crious TERRRRBAEKKKK LAAAA ini film.. 

SYAMSUL YUSOFF u deserve da RM11.6 million from Malaysians people..
Great muvee.. U break the record!! Congrats anyway....

Saturday, July 2, 2011

TRANSFORMER'S - Dark Of The Moon

Yeayyy3!! Akhirnye tgk jgak transformers even ticket last minit n cepat giler sold out. thnx sgt2 kat kawan2 yg runner ke One Utama semate mate nk beli ticket transformers midnite.

Ceritanye mlm semalam lepas kenduri tahlil arwah faris ,  kitorg terus gerak ke Damansara lepas tuka2 baju n siap2. Lepas kenduri arwah lepak emastika dulu kat 9 tunggu yg laen2 tuka baju , siap2 plus yg bersiap macam pengantin even lelaki. Around kul 1130 kitorg gerak dr sha alam sbb ticket kul 12. Nak dijadikan cte pulak dr 9 alep yg drive kete sampai2 tol batu 3 je ade road block jpj pulak dah. Dgn kete ajey bertinted plus lampu putih , modified mcm2. Msg2 dah gelabah. Cepat2 ajey ngn alep tuka tempat. Hahahaha~ Sumpah lawak weyh! Da la badan besa pastu leyh pulak c alep dudok atas ajey dalam keadaan kelam kabut. Omaigodd! Hahahahaha. Kitorg yg kat belakang ne gelak macam nk pecah perut lah. Giler lawak. Semua tingkap diturun nye takut kantoi dgn jpj. Hahahaha. Ajey2 , len kali tinted gelap truih oke? Dah lepas dr jpj xsampai 2 meter ajey trus pecut kete macam org giler plus eksos bunyi bising lg. Hahaha. Aimy ngn aku kat belakang dah terhuyung hayang macam org giler. Rase mcm naek rolller coaster menyelit2. Ya Allah! Selamatkan la kami dari kemalangan.. Itu jela yg aku berdoa lam aty. Sambil menjerit jerit kitorg kat belakang ne. Lg menjerit lg la dye tekan minyak. Astaga! Yang aimy lak menjerit aku tak kawen lg weyh. Hahaha. Sumpah lawak ko ne aimy. :)

Kitorg sampai kjap je sbb ajey cakap nk wat sha alam - damansara 5 minit je. Ajey2. Betul2 giler la ko ne. Sampai2 parking ou pulak full babe. Nk parking yg dekat ngn pintu keluar movie je kn? Pemalas msg2. Rasenye 7 kali kot tawaf carik2 last2 parking yg kat luar tu. Finally! Berlari anak gak la sbb nk kejar beli pop corn + aer nk tgk muvee nnt. 

AND THE MUVEE STARTS! Perghhh.. terbaeklaa transformers 3. Tapi xbest sbb tak pat tgk ngn mr boyfie sbb dye pon kat dundun lg tah zaman bile la dye nak blk. Actually Transformers dr 1st smpai 2nd mmg aku g tgk ngn mr boyfie. beberape tahun lepas. It was sweet memeries btween me n him. =)
Tak tahu lah after dis dye nk ke tak jumpe or keluar ngn aku sbb marahnye masih belom reda. Macam aku wat salah yg sgt besa sgt. Takpelah kate org bersabar je. Allah akan beri kekuatan ntuk org yg bersabar. Moge moge kesabaran aku ne akan dapat kebahagian dunia akhirat. Amin............

Papepon TRANSFORMER'S - Dark Of The Moon TERBAEKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! Mmg best la even megan fox xde kan. Digantikan ape tah nme lam cte ne Carly tu. Walopon bibir ala2 Angelina Jolie tp boleh la. Yang kelakarnye megatron angin kene bahan ngn Carly pastu teruih nak p belasah sentinel. Lagi satu yg dasyatt nye people can fly weyh. Hahahaha. Giler style! Tanak la cte panjang2 nnt tak suprise pd sape2 yg tak tgk lg. Better korg g tgk. Sumpah berbaloi 2 jam 30mnit ntuk ticket berharga RM12 shj. 

Keesokan harinye pulak aku ke midvalley nak layan lagi transformers ntuk kali yg ke 2 tp kali ne layan 3D plak di siang hari. Koyak abes dwet aku. Tapi xpe sbb tranformers 10x ulang tayang tgk pon xpe. Hahaha..