Cam AF season yg best sgt of course AF2 , AF3 n AF7..] AF 8 kali ne tak follow lgsg kecuali minggu2 akhir baru la nk amek tawu n kenal pelajar2 AF neyy.
Nak cite bout AF8 ne actually i was like KURENG sbb most of da student sgtlah annoying. Except for beberape org yg ok. SHAHIR of course. The innocent boy. I would loe n like to be his num 1 die hard fans sbb dye sgt cute , hencem n sgt baek budi pekerrtunye. Boleh dijadikan calon suami lah. hahaha.
Btw,bukan nk cte bout AF yg len ne nk cte bout konsert final AF8.
Around kul 6.15 i received a fon call tp misscall yg byk sbb hp lam bilik maa. private num yg call..
adoiii aty da gelisah abess ne. takot private num yg len je yg call. then i received a msg from boboy tny nk itut x g tgk concert final af. Rupenye it was not him. Fuhh! Sgt lah lega. Agak fobia law private num appear to my fon. Adoii! da la 2-2 fon taleh nk call out. cane la nk reply msg. then pinjam fon mama call boy trus n tny. dye ckp de 5 tix kosong. dye ber2 with his fren. ade lg 3 tix tade sape follow so aku pon ckplaaa nk ikotttttt!!!!! then he fetch me at home around 15mnt lpas tu. aku ajak adeq skli.
4da 1st tyme weyh g concert AF selame 8 taun AF wujud. Excited nokk. haha. plus lak kitorg pegi concert kali ne bawah fans shahir sbb shahir adlh czn boboy. 150 tix diperuntukkan ntuk family n kaum kerabat shahir.
sampai2 je stadium putra bukit jalil terus g booth shahir ntuk mndptkan tix yg dah direserved ntuk kitorg. best sgt sbb family dorg sgtla sporting. bergamba punye bergamba jumpe lak aunty nor satu family. salam2 n terus sembang2 ngn dye. yela sembang bout anak buah dye (shahir). baru ku taw shahir ne family dorg. hahaha. kecik tul dunia ne. sooo,bermulanye sesi pembahagian banner2 ntuk kitorg pegang n support shahir dalam stadium nnty.
tiap kali shahir muncul kitorg la plg kuat jerrit sampai anak tekak ne nk terbelah dua la.
Berakhirnye sebuah penantian bile SHAHIR diumumkan mnjadi juara untuk AF8. Woohoo! seronok xengatt babe. melompat sakan kitorg. termoasok la aunty2 + opah2 yg dtg mnyokong!! ALHAMDULILLAH xmembazir sgale2 bill n crdt ntuk vote shahiir. huhu. Konsert abes jer kami sumer keluar dewan smbil menjerit. sumpah havoc! Keluar gmba activity bese law de nye aku iaitu sese pengambaran lol. hahaha. camera addicted weyh! abes je bergamba sume kitorg g la lpak kat parking lot sbb aunty no nk bg kad jmputan kawen anak dye kat abah n aunty/uncle ku yg len. so,tunggu la borak2 jap. pastu tunggu kul 12 sbb nk wish bday pak su. huhuhu.... HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY PAK SUUUUUUU!!!!!!
after dat kami mnyusul ke awan besar ntuk mnjamu selera. unfortunately, makanan xbest just ade sate kajang jer. xbest! lpak2 with adira's fans weyh..sambil borak2 lam 15 mnts chow blk uma. perot da berclubbing neyy. kitorg ajak boy g mkn kat bidayah jer.. lapo nokk! sesampai jer bidayah trus order maggi greng n teh o ice cam bese la.. sampai je uma da kul 2.30. Wooohooo! tyme to online................................