Monday, May 31, 2010

UNEXPECTED 2nd birthday celebration

On dat sunday i received a fon call from cu julie. Angkat fon my lil cousin ellysa sing a bday song for me.

"happy birthday to u..
happy birthday to u..
happy birthday to kak atyn
happy birthday to u.."

Criously cute sgt. Dgn semangatnyer dye nyanyi birthday song. Then she kindly wish me "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAK ATYN". I just say thanks to her n she ask me some question. "Ne bday kak atyn yg keberape?" n i answer back "21". She just like "Waaaaaaaaaa!! Byk nyerr..." hahaha. Sumpah kelaka. Dye sgt la petah bercakap. N criously kinda miss her sooo much sbb lame gile kott xjump. 

After balik from kenduri kawen abah ajak g uma cu kat kote kemuning sbb semua ade kat sane. So siap2 n g jela. N really dun expect anything from them. On dat evening dorg bli mkanan like sate la n etc. I just pk cam ok sbb rmai adeq bradeq dtg then wat makan. Suddenly lyca tny "today bday kak atyn ea?" i answer "xla. bday kak atyn da lepas." she reply "aik? knp ayah bli cake secret recipe td? bday sape?" i was like hohohohoho... KANTOIII edi. tp just wat2 tataw jela. konon2 nye suprised tp dah di suprise kan oleh c cumel lyca. hahaha..

Nway,special thnks to cu,mak cu,lah,cu kamal,opah,wan cho,ayah cho,epan,delan,lyn,lyca,amani,adeq, MAMA ABAH for this second tyme birthday celebration. Yeayyy!! Dapat jugak potong cake neyh.

New york cheese cake