Sunday, December 23, 2012

Big Bad Wolf

Mesti sape sape yang xpernah denga ape tu Big Bad Wolf akan terpk what it is? And menatang ape tu? And for books lover its a compulsary to know what is the Big Bad Wolf.

Oklah actually I pun baru tahu which is SiJambuKesayangan I bagitahu i about this plus i tgk all the graphics student and also my lecturers dok instagram the Big Bad Wolf craziness.. Till one day SiJambuKesayangan I ajak ke sane with Aten and Achong. Guess what we went there at late night taw..

Around pukul 1am We reach Malaysia International Exhibition & Convention Centre (MIECC) dekat Mines. Sesat jugaklah padahal sebelah Mines je pun. Before entering the main hall Ade 2 buah kerete fevret I which is Lamboghini biru matellic and black matte. Terus amek gamba dlu. Hahaha. I masuk je hall it was like WOW!!! Gile banyak buku and terus tgk buku buku graphics , tinggalkan kawan2 dah. (disitu da nampak jakun) And muke I bertambah jakun bile I tgk harge buku buku graphics.

As a Graphics student mesty tahu harge buku untuk jadikan reference bukannye murah. Beratus and jarang dapat harge utk lepas reload handphone TETAPI dekat Big Bad Wolf u guys boleh dapatkan sebuah buku dengan harga RM10 shj. Menggila kan?? Haaaa.. Jadi gila japla..

Kami bertape dalam tu until 4am in the morning itupon nak leluar cepat sbb masing masing kelaparan. And finally we shopping about 3 kotak buku which is aten sekotak, achong sekotak and me and him sharing kotak.

Big Bad Wolf is opening 24 hours till this 23rd December. And it starts 7hb December hari tu. Rugi sgt korang xpegi sbb terlalu banyak buku yg boleh korang grab there. Pelbagai kategori. Rambang mate babe. And their selling 3millions book. Haaaaaa.. Gile xgile kan??

Im waiting for next year Big Bad Wolf!!! Wooot! Woooot! Thank u B for the books..

3 Million books are available here

Nampak x muke jakun tgk harga buku graphics RM10 je

Mission mencari buke lagi dan lagi xcukup dengan sekotak

Im happy when he gave me this book while I'm reading
See? Buku ilmuan hargenye RM3 shj.. Recipe for a good marriage. Thank you b..