Friday, December 2, 2011

Again n Again cutting my hair

Jumaat yg kebosanan as usual cuti sem confirm bgn lambat. Sampai Encik boyfie pon turut berleter. 
Bukan selalu laaa.. :-p Petang tu dok borink2 tgk tv sambil layan tonton suddenly tekak teringin nak makan Pizza Hut. Try la nk order secare online. Dah register bagai cannot order pulak. Maybe 1st trial kann. Conclusion nye call la terus. We decided to order 2 large pizza's untuk dinner mlm ne. Alhamdulillah kenyang. 

Dah settle makan pizza , dah kenyang sambung online lg. Secare tibe2 my brother ajak teman g potong rambut. Mulenye malas sbb da kekenyangan kan pastu baru la terase nak teman. G jelaa teman c bujang potong rambut kat Sean Gallery area Andalas je pon.

org suro buat rambut neymar xnak nyeeee.. hahaha =)

Bile c adeq settle memotong rambut that chinese guy yg handsome tu tny I "u nak potong rambut aa" i terdiam jap pastu sengeh2 kat mama ckp "nk potong lg sikit boleh x ma? trim sket jeeee..." then mama cakap "last week kan dah potong rmbut b4 wedding Fiqha tu?" i jawab "trim sikit jelaa maaa.. bolehh laaaa..." mama just cakap "UP TO U LAAA....." dalam hati YEAY3!!! POTONG RAMBUT LAGI..  Wooot! Wooot!

yang ne rambut potong last week... 
(masih tebal , fringe masih pnjg)

yang ne the new rambut.. 
(nipis , sng diurus plus sy suke fringe sy)

Futsal Friends & ❤

Haa!! For those yg kenal I msty can't believe that i maen futsal. Naaaaaaaaaa~ It's not me laaa.. Dah tentu Encik Boyfie. Atas permintaan kawan2 nak friendly match ngn Encik Boyfie dgn gigihnye dye mencari player nak maen on Monday pukul 11 kat Sport Planet. Amek mase 2 hari jugak la nk kumpulkan org sbb yelaa Awal Muharram kan cuti so org pon nak rest. Alhamdulillah ade player malam tu. Tgh dating pon dok mencari player yg nak maen malam tu. I lah yg  jadi org tgh antare Encik Boyfie dgn team Anep semua.

As usual just tgk jelaa mereka bermaen futsal dan bersorak bile sape sape score. Hahahaha~ Selamat ade Aimy jadi peneman boleh jugak bergossip. Kalaw tak asek ngadap hp jela kerjanye. Tak facebook , twitter xpon bbm. Itu jelaaaa yg jadi peneman.

Team yg maen malam tu is Anep and the geng. Team yg tgk bola dat day kat Hakim. Abg wan , Fizie , Captain , Zaem , Alep and Anep.

Encik boyfie in the court! Jyeahhh...

Alep n Aimy sempat lg dating taw! *wink*wink

kesian Zaem n Alep korang penat ye?

Anep u look soooo sexayyy!! Hahahahaha~
*sempat lagi nak bergossip kannnn...

After friendly match malam tu kitorg semua lepak 7. Saye lapaaa!! Saye nak makan!! Sorry guys perot ne cannot tahan lapa bile tgh  malam menjelma. Anyway , nnt nak maen futsal lg ajak ajak la ek? Boleh aku n Aimy jadi korg punye cheerleader~ Hahahahaha~ As korg wish kitorg jadi korg punye cheerleader kan kan? :P

Thanks lah bagi pihak Anep n the geng kepade Amer Firdaus n the geng sbb menjayekan friendly match ne. Hehehehe.. *Anep n kenteng suroh pesan! =)

Rase2 dye ne abg penjage goal M'sia lah (Khairul Fahmi) name pon dah same Khairul Hafizi.
Anyway , abg kenteng kaw mmg goally yg terbaekk lahh!! Terror doe kaww..
Next time nak tgk lg korg maen futsal. hehehehe =)

Breaking Dawn with ❤

As I wish for nak tgk sgt3 TWILIGHT Breaking Dawn ,  Encik boyfie pon merealisasikan lah my wish. Ape je yg dye tak penah realisasikan?? hehehe..  Tq syg! LOVE U byk2 B... hehehe =)

As well planning nak tgk after wedding Fiqha tapi 2-2 penat , tak cukup tido plus ade bola MAS vs BAHRAIN. We cancel on sunday but postpone on the next day. So on Monday around pukul 1 he pick me up dekat rumah and we're going to The Curve as well planning before. And we reach Curve the next hour lepas tu. Jamm dowww. Cuti Awal Muharram kan ramai lah org. Parking pon susah nak dapat. 

Dah dapat parking , we juz move to Ceneleisure dulu tgk ticket takut dah abes. So dapat beli ticket couple seat pukul 445. After that we decided to having our late brunch dekat IKEA as I wish nak makan meatball. Kalaw boleh hr2 also wanna makan meatball. Makkk Aiiiii!! Dye punye ramai nye org kat ctu nauzubillah. Nak cari tempat duduk also susah. Finally , kitorg juz order 15 meatballs , Daim Cake and 2 breads with 2 mineral water. Kenape we shared? Sebab I xkuat makan plus Encik boyfie also xkuat makan. So xperlu lah untuk membazir. Naseb ade aunty baek hati bg kitorg tmpt duduk. Tapi jadi pisang la mengadap makanan. Nak gossip2 also xleyh sbb kiri kanan org  tak kenal. So ngadap makanan dan makan jelaaaaa..

After  makan tu we're rushing jugak nk ke Ceneleisure dr Ikea tu. Masok hall je dah start muvee. Tapi naseb la baru start. Conclusion untuk cerita ne DAYMLY SWEEEEEEET SGT3!!!! 

I really wish i can have a wedding dress like this :)

and this!
a suprised honeymoon =)

played a chess on a honeymoon =)

ouh sooo suwiiit law dapat hubby cmni =)

So , for sape2 yang tak tgk lg this muvee go go beli tix and tgk this romantic muvee. hehehehe =)

Bestfriend's Wedding

Alhamdulillah on 26th november Fiq'ha Nur Amira selamat diijab kabulkan dgn Mahyuddin Khalid di Masjid Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah. Congrats Iqa n Din.

The next day seawal pukul 830 dah bangun. Set alarm clock 830 tp sempat lg tido 15 mnts sampai pukul 845. Hahahaha~ Gile liat nak bgn kannn.. Wanie pulak! 1030 dah siap2 make up n u guys know what amek mase pakai contact lens ade la nak dekat sejam. Makkk Aiiiiii!! Seksanye sbb xberani nak jolok mate. Naseb la ade org tolong pakaikan. Tq piha! hehehehe :)

Around pukul 1045 Aimy n Nik dtg rumah sbb Aimy nak siap2 (really thoughts dat aimy nk make up) but then hanye pakai eye liner and mascara. Haih! Xpenah berubah dr dulu. hahahaha~ Anyway aimy , u look gorgeous with the mascara. Feewwwwiiiitttt~

We make a move dgn 2 kereta which is another 1 car Nik alone. Sampai Dewan Bukit Jelutong around 1130. Senang nak park sbb xramai org. Masuk je dewan Aunty Azie (mama Iqa) which is my neighbour mase duduk sec 8 dulu dah pelawa masuk. Salam with all the siblings and terus dorg suruh p makan. Katenye the brides will sampai around 130. Sementare tunggu tu makan2 la dulu plus gossiping lahh bile kami ber3 berjumpe. Nak buat ape lg kannn... As usual lah! =)

130 the brides sampai. Me and Aimy diminta oleh Finie (adeq Iqa) keluar dewan mengiringi pengantin. Uishhh.. Before "The Brides" sampai dye punyeee neves tu makk aiii. Macam i ne ha yg nak kawen. Ok smbung cerita yek? Haaa! Bile diminta untuk mengiringi pengantin tu kami pon keluar la dr dewan and Aunty Pitt which is aunty kepade Iqa arrangekan kami nak duduk kat mne2 and patut wat ape. Omaiiiiii!!! Gile ramai org and i feel ashamed sikit la sebab org tertumpu kat pengantin plus pengapit and us. Daymm!! Maluuu dowww~ Sumpah malu.. Tapi disebabkan pengantin perempuan is my best friend time sekolah 9 dulu i pon tlg la untuk menjayekan wedding beliau. 

Bile dah mengiringi "The brides" me and Aimy like sengeh2 each others sebabnye yelaaa NEVES doww dok atas pentas tu.. Crious shitt neves sbbnye menjadi tumpuan org2 yg dtg on Fiqha's wedding  tu. Dah settle acare menepung tawar n tugas kami dah pon berakhir akhirnye baru lah dapat menggedikkan diri bersame camera. Sbb atas pentas tu xsempat nk posing2. Hahahahaha. *Such a CAMWHORE LAH u wanie! 

Lame jugakla tak naek ke pelamin bersame pengantin. Masuk ne dah 3 kali dah. Orang cakap law jadi pengapit selalu next wud be ur turn and ade jugak yg cakap lambat kawen. No matter what it is I bukan jadi pengapit. So lantak p lah kawen awal ke lambat doesnt matter for me. Xpenah terlintas dalam fikiran pon lg cte kawen2 ne. Ade rezeki insyaallah.. 

So malas nak bebel panjang2 u guys just tgk gmba jela k? And if nak tgk gmba yg lebih byk just click on this link sbb byk gmba dr camera nik FIQHA'S WEDDING!!

aimy . nik . suhada . atikah . me

nik . aimy . ewin . me

maskulin katenyeeee



*aimy , aku nak ckp kaw comel. ok bye! =)

2-2 same menggedikkan diri dgn camera
*anyway , B awak handsome on that day. LOVE U!

And the last one its kinda suprised for the brides. Fiera n Ili which is adeq kepade Fiqha perform on their wedding. Lagu One In A Million by Neyo. Kinda suprised jugak sbb baru tawu yg Ili can play guitar. Salute lah sbb Ili can play guitar n she just learned from youtube ok??? *Tabik springggg lah kat Ili. hehehehe =)

Anyway , FIQHA NUR AMIRA & MAHYUDDIN KHALID lagi sekali nak wish selamat pengantin baru. Moge kekal hinnga hujung nyawa. N to Fiqha cpt2 dpt baby taw sbb xsaba nak jadi aunty!